You can watch ‘solar eclipse’ whenever you want, there will be arrangement for on-demand eclipse, two spacecraft will be used

Are you also one of those people who wanted to see the solar eclipse but could not? Now any person will be able to watch this very unique astronomical phenomenon live solar eclipse in his own area at the time of his need. Scientists have come up with such a project that if successful, people will be able to show the eclipse as per their demand.

In this way, through the arrangement of “Eclipse on Demand”, European scientists also plan to create conditions for showing fresh views of the Sun by completing a precise space flight for the first time under their Proba-3 project.

Earlier, the European Space Agency (ESA) had unveiled the Proba-3 satellites, Coronagraph and Occulter during an event in Belgium last week. According to the plan unveiled by ESA, the Occultor is set to fly at a distance of about 150 meters from the coronagraph.

Scientists say that they will be able to create an effect exactly like a solar eclipse. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Once both satellites reach their precise location, the Occultor Coronagraph will project a shadow onto the face, obscuring more of the Sun to reveal the corona. Dietmar Pilz, ESA’s director of technology, engineering and quality, said the two satellites would thus appear to be one 150-metre-long instrument.

Pilz says that it will be very challenging technically to achieve this, because even the slightest mistake will make it not work. The development process has been a long one, initiated by a consortium of smaller ESA member states led by Spain and Belgium. Therefore, he is very happy to see Proba-3 ready for launch.

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An experiment on similar lines was conducted in the year 1975 when astronauts from the United States and the Soviet Union collaborated to create an artificial eclipse. Proba-3 aims to successfully accomplish this feat in a routine manner. “It will demonstrate a variety of formation flight configurations and it will experiment with in-orbit rendezvous techniques,” Pilz said. “Once proven, formation flying will prove helpful for future missions.”

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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